Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oh, the Sun Will Come Out...

today! Well, it's actually been out since Friday, but these are my first pics of us out in the sun. Being that it was Superbowl Sunday, Jake was decked out in his football jersey, and he even insisted on wearing his helmet to the park... We brought kites to the park, and it was perfect for them. I was excited about the kite flying (much more excited than Jake). Here I am as Kevin was trying to get a picture of both Jake and I, but Jake ran off too quick...
Jake did stay engaged in the kite for a little bit. We were able to let all the string out...look how high!!!
We then tried his little Mickey Mouse kite. We thought he might be more interested in his "own" kite instead of our family one. He was more interested...
at least at first. He (we) worked and worked to get that Mickey kite in the air, but it just wasn't cooperating. Jake did capture a little wind here...
The attempts to get it to fly required lots of running, with little return...
Even though the Mickey kite never quite made it, we did have a great afternoon at the park. What a great way to precede our Superbowl night!

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