Our little baby Jake arrived healthy and safe on Friday, January 2nd at 7:15 pm weighing 8 pounds, 2 ounces and 21 inches long. Kellie is doing great too! You wouldn't know by looking at her that this is her first baby... she's a natural! She's got her hands a little full, so I thought I would give you guys a quick update. I'll let her blog all the details later, but in the mean time here are a few pictures I took when they made their arrival at home.
Oh my goodness! I just want to eat him up!
He's so adorable!! I'm so glad to see pictures of him, and I agree that Kevin and Kellie are naturals =)
I just found your blog through Cassy. Congratulations to y'all!! It's hard to believe that Emily's almost 7 months old now and that was the last time we saw you! We'll have to get together sometime...maybe spring break for the basketball tournament!
He is adorable. And FYI - I will be coming over again soon to hold him!
Thanks Cassy for posting! He is precious!
Congratulations Kevin and Kellie! He is a cutie! Glad to see that you have a blog as well!
Congrats! What a little cutie you have!
Congratulations, Kellie and Kevin. What a way to start off 2009 - with a beautiful, healthy baby boy. Thinking of y'all.
Hey, just found your blog through Cassy's. Congrats on the safe delivery! Jake is sooo cute! I guess Jake and our son (name TBD) will grow up together in the church nursery. :) Can't wait to meet little Jake.
He's just precious (in a totally manly way - Kevin ;) ). We're just thrilled for you guys! Congrats!
He is so beautiful. Congratualtions!
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