WARNING: This is a LONG post with LOTS of pictures!
Every couple months I'm going to try to post a new entry of Jake's "favorite things." Hopefully it will provide a little insight into our lives and how Jake is growing and changing. Here we go....
Jake and I both love going on walks. Jake, Skylar, and I go almost every morning in our neighborhood. Jake LOVES being outside. There's always something new and fun to watch. Oftentimes when he is fussy for no reason, we'll just go outside and everything seems better. This past week we changed our scenery and met a couple friends in a nice park in the Wells Branch area. Sarah, Nancy, and Brooklyn were great walking buddies.
Look at that smile, "I'm so happy to be walking outside!!!"
Jake's next favorite thing is actually two favorite things...reading books and Blamey. Blamey was highlighted in our last "favorite things" post, and he's still a fav. Jake continues to sleep with him every nap and bedtime. We pull Blamey out and Jake immediately calms down, often sucking his thumb, and gets ready for sleep. We also read books before bed and naps. He's now much more interactive with the books, and it's fun to watch. He loves touch and feel, and now knows exactly which part to touch. He also loves helping turn the pages.
Another thing Jake really likes is to carry something in his hand wherever he goes. Because of this, he really enjoys smaller toys he can hold onto and carry with him. Some of his favorite things he carries around are his rings, but I've seen him carry kitchen towels, stuffed animals, balls, and many other things too. Who knows what this habit is about?
Jake loves walking. No, he's not on his own yet, but he loves walking around with someone's help.
Another favorite thing of Jake's is Mommy! His attachment to me is becoming more and more evident. Luckily, he continues to do great with others and loves being in the church nursery, but he definitely has moments where he clings to me. Pretty much everyday, he pulls up on my legs just like this...
I'm usually in the kitchen trying to prepare a meal or do some cleaning, and here he comes seeking my attention. In some ways, it's sweet, but in others, it's a little annoying. Oh well, I'm glad he loves his Mommy, and I'm sure one day I'll miss this. My view looks something like this....
With his newfound mobility, we have had to introduce the word "no." I think he's really starting to understand..which is good. However, the fact that I think he understands makes it not so good when he chooses not to listen. His next favorite thing is playing in Skylar's water bowl. This is a big "no," but one that seems too hard to resist.
Jake really likes to see all his toys at one time. He has a very specialized, mulit-step plan to doing this. Step 1: Stand up and peer into the basket to see all my cool stuff.
Step 2: Fall down on bottom while holding rim of basket in order that all toys can scatter to the floor.
Step 3: Look in awe at all my wonderful toys and carefully decide which one I want to play with.
Our last favorite thing for now has many pictures dedicated for it, because it just may be the #1 favorite thing right now...pulling up and "cruising' on everything in sight. Jake especially likes to pull up/play on metal things. Here are just a few in our house. He really likes to get underneath our kitchen table.
Here's a cute one of Jake and Skylar. Skylar might also be one of Jake's favorite things, but Skylar usually walks away too soon to really find out.
Arrgghh..this looks tasty!
Skylar's crate is definitely at the top of the list of things to pull up on and play with.
Skylar's crate is usually fun, but the swinging door can sometimes lead to unexpected falls. Jake is definitely learning how to fall, brush it off, and pick himself up again.
The end tables in our living room are a nice place to stand, but sometimes...
Jake gets a little stuck underneath. One more fun place is the entryway table.
Whew, all those favorite things are pretty exhausting. Are you wondering how I've had the time to write this long post? It's thanks to my wonderful husband and "Mommy's Day Off." More on that to come.
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