Jake got his first homework for Mommy (what I would call it)/fun home activity (what the teachers would call it) at school. His class in school is called the Cubbie Bears, and when each child celebrates his/her birthday he/she gets the opportunity to bring Cubbie Bear home with them for the entire week. When did I learn about this, you ask? When I was picking Jake up from school while being handed a backpack complete with Cubbie Bear himself, his own blanket, snacks, two books, and a journal. His teacher then tells me they make a "big deal" about Cubbie going home with the kids during circle time and they will read my journal entry "from" Cubbie Bear next week! Well, this was quite the surprise, but we did our best to celebrate and enjoy our time hosting and taking care of Cubbie Bear at our house.
Jake really did love Cubbie Bear, but he's definitely either too boy or too two-year-old to keep up with "caring" for him. Although Cubbie Bear didn't go everywhere with us for the week, he slept with Jake every nap and every night, listened to Mommy and Daddy's stories, and even shared a few meals with us. His big adventure was going to a Leander Lions basketball game. I highlighted the game in Cubbie's journal entry and included these pictures...
We went to the UT vs. OU men's basketball game a couple weekends ago. We try to go to at least one game a year since we have access to free tickets. Jake loved every minute, and the Longhorns won!!!
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