8. Balls and Blocks---It seems that his favorite toys are balls and blocks. I draw this conclusion from the fact that they are the two things he consistently gets out of his toys bins on a DAILY basis. He has two kinds of blocks, soft traditional style and jumbo leggo style. Both are big hits, and he brings them over to us so we can unzip their containers every day.
9. The Outdoors---Again, this is one that is definitely not a new interest, but I have to keep it on the list because it is an important part of our day, and we are so excited for the beautiful SPRING weather!!! The past couple days, Jake has even done a great job playing on his own in the front yard while I'm sweeping some leaves. We bring some balls and his golf clubs out, and he's perfectly content to play with those and the leaves. Most amazingly, he's doing a great job staying in our yard. I talk to him a lot about not going past the sidewalk and staying in front of our house. He's really good about staying away from the street, but walking down the sidewalk is more of a temptation, which can lead to us heading back inside. Overall, he's doing a great job of learning to play appropriately in the front.
10. Talking, or more appropriately, Making Noise--Jake can definitely make some noise. He doesn't just make quiet noises, but really rather loud ones. Most of the time, he makes no sense whatsoever; he's just "singing" or babbling away. These noises are definitely happy noises, but they can also be somewhat embarrassing noises when you're out in public. Nonetheless, I'm happy they are happy noises, and we're trying our best to work on "Shhhh" for some volume control. As far as understandable talking goes, he is just starting to say some mostly understandable words. These are: Daddy, Mommy, this, hi, bye, and dog. He does not say them on command, or always in the right context, so we're working on it, but he's definitely starting somewhere.
Now that I've been able to share a list of 10 top favorites, I'd thought I'd share two of my least favorite things about this time in Jake's life. Of couse, as a Mom, I love every part of Jake unconditionally, but in all honesty, we can have our challenges.
1. Tantrums---Jake has started throwing tantrums. I had no idea this behavior started this early, but apparently it does. These tantrums can be as basic as crying when he doesn't get what he wants or when something is taken away. They can also be as intense as literally throwing himself on the ground crying and screaming. I'm having a really difficult time knowing what to do about this, especially since he just seems so young. I struggle between ignoring it and comforting him. Even when I attempt to ignore it, I struggle to know how long it can/should last. Anyhow, this is definitely the #1 most challenging part of my days.
2. Throwing or Spitting Out Food----Overall, Jake is a pretty good eater. He's not super picky, but he also has definite opinions on what he likes and dislikes. I know his eating habits could be much more challening, so I will not complain about his refusal to eat some foods. I do, however, wish to vent on his choice to spit or throw food he doesn't want. If something enters Jake's mouth he doesn't like, he immediately opens up and spits it right back out. I'm pretty sure this is totally normal for 14 months, but normal or not, it is so frustrating. I can usually handle the spitting pretty well and know how to curb it, but the throwing is much more challening. This usually happens when he refuses to eat something and it's still on his tray or when he's decided he's finished eating. I've now learned how to spot the signs that he's "warming up" his arm for the pitch, so I can intervene before I'm splattered, but there's still moments when he gets past me. To make matters worse, he thinks it's totally funny when he does manage to hit me, so he breaks out into laughter. Again, this is definitely something I struggle with.
OK, it felt good to just let that out. I knew parenting came with challenges; it's definitely quite a ride finding out what those are for your child. Hope everyone out there is enjoying your ride!
Such an awesome idea to take a moment and record these things. I wish I had done it more with Bella, and am trying my best to do it with the next three. :)
... on the tantrums and food spitting. I have been dealing with the same with the first two, got over it(thank goodness!) and am now entering tantrum phase with the third. I think it may just be God's way of teaching us moms some more patience and how to show grace to the little ones when we think they least deserve it. :) Hang in there, it won't last longer than you can stand it, I promise.
What a fun boy you have. I wish we were around to really get to know him. So glad you blog though!
And I totally hear you on the tantrum and food throwing/spitting issue. I've found that ignoring tantrums really does help end them. When you ignore a tantrum it teaches them they don't work (most of the time).
The food thing was one of my "buttons". It really made me mad. And it does get better, however Morgandy still cannot have food on her plate that she doesn't like. I think it's just a kid thing. They think if it's in front of them then they HAVE to eat it or something. :) Hang in there!
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