1. Going places and seeing new things. Jake loves to go places--basically any place that's not home. I think he does like home, but he definitely does not like to stay at home all day long. Luckily, both he and I agree on that one....boring...so, in order to keep us both happy, we try to venture out somewhere everyday. He seems to be a people watcher (like his Mommy), so that's at least part of the fun everywhere we go. Yesterday, we met a friend at Extreme Fun, a place for kids. Although, he's a little too young for most of the fun, he still loved it. Here is his first experience in a foam pit...
3. Trying to be a big boy. There are often times when I look at Jake's face, and I feel like he's thinking, "I want to do that." Even the way he just looks at older kids, it's almost with a look of awe and anticipation for all the cool stuff they are able to do. Even at Extreme Fun, he crawed right over to the bouncy entrance and tried his best to get on. "Hey, I know I can do this. All I need is a little boost..."
Before Thanksgiving, Jake and I brought Kevin dinner at school before his basketball game. Since the gym was virtually empty, Jake got to crawl all around. There was one player shooting, and Jake headed immediately toward him to join in his game...
Just look at the look in his eyes, "I'm ready to play with this basketball..."
4. Being silly. Jake is definitely a silly goose. His laugh is the best. Sometimes, he laughs for no reason. Sometimes, he laughs so hard it turns into a squeal/shout. His silly, fun moods definitely make up for his grouchy, grumpy moods. Here he is being silly at dinner...

Being silly is also something that comes with the territory of finding ways to entertain a child ALL DAY LONG. Mommy definitely pulls out all sorts of things in order to keep us happy. Here he is sporting Mommy's cool shades...
5. In my last edition of "my favorite things," I said Skylar "might" be on the list, but it's hard to really tell because she always walks away too fast. Well, I think I can officially say she is one of his favorite things. Thank goodness we have a sweet, laid-back, wonderful dog, because I'm certain Jake is NOT one of Skylar's favorite things, but only because Jake has a tendency to clench onto her and pull at her hair and collar. Regardless of Jake's annoying ways towards Skylar, it is cute to see their interactions. Sometimes Skylar will be walking by and steal kisses on Jake's face, and more often, Jake attempts to interact with Skylar. Here are our two beautiful children...
6. Toys/stuffed animals that talk or make noise, but especially sing. Jake really loves music, so he automatically perks up if he hears a song. I think he also likes the interaction that's provided by certain toys that "talk" to you. Here he is with a bear that tells you nursery rhymes...
7. This is a recent discovery in the last few days, but Jake seems to really like the Praise Baby DVDs (http://praisebaby.com/). I have been wanting the collection for a while, but the set of 4 DVDs is usually $49.99, so that just wasn't happening. Well, Family Christian had the set on sale, plus I was able to use a coupon, so I got the set for less than $20!!! I've only put one in a couple times (I generally don't want Jake watching much TV), but the times I have, he becomes fixated on the TV and will stop any fussing or crying that may have just been happening. They are very simple DVDs: they show short clips of animals, babies, people, etc. and the background sound is worship music. I took these pictures last night as I was trying to make dinner. It's REALLY hard to make dinner with Jake around. He insists on being under my feet or holding on to my legs the ENTIRE time. Well, I had enough and was picturing boiling water falling on his head, so I put in a DVD and sat him on the floor. This is how he sat for 10 solid minutes. Not an eternity, but long enough to drain boiling pasta and open up the oven...
In this one, he's actually clapping. So cute, he saw the parrot, and started clapping away...
That's about it for this edition of "my favorite things," but I thought I'd take a moment to share what OTHERS say are their favorite things about Jake. The top three things I hear the most from others are about his hair, his eyes, and his general good temperament. His hair because it's kinda crazy and sticks up in an unruly way. His eyes because they are beautiful blue with pretty eyelashes. And his temperament because he is pretty much a happy boy--especially when we are out around others (he keeps most of the fussiness for home with Mom and Dad). Here are a few pics that try to capture your "favorite things."
Cool hair...

Cool hair...
Crazy hair+pretty blue eyes+big, bright smile= Jake
Love the Jake and Skylar picture!!
Great post! You'll love having these memories later =) And yes, I do love his eyes, hair and temperament! He such a cute sweet boy =)
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