Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year from a Fun and Crazy Guy
Jake wanted to share a few photos he thought would help start your new year off right. First off, he'd like to share his crazy hair. His hair does have a tendency to be pretty crazy, but this is some serious bedbead...

Yes, I'm cute...
Lastly, he wants to prove he truly is a fun and crazy guy, in case you had any doubts. Yesterday I was putting away laundry so I left the empty laundry basket out for him to play with. Normally, he likes to crawl in it while it's on its side or sometimes drum the top. Well, this was a new one...
He somehow managed to crawl and stand right on top of it! That's not even the really crazy part...he managed to get up to this position and back down twice without any falls or tears. I was shocked this maneuver didn't lead to a cry fest, but he actually did a great job balancing himself and slowing getting down all on his own. Of course, once I realized what he was doing I stayed close by in anticipation of the big collapse, but this was not the time for defeat. Instead it was the time for victory. I'm sure I won't have to wait too long before our tile floor re-claims victory, but for now, we're all smiles!
Lenz Family Christmas
Who would have guessed we really would be walking in a Texas winter wonderland!!! The snow hit hard on Christmas Eve and we were lucky to make it safe and sound to my parents' house. Here is a view of their backyard...
Of course, we had to take Jake out in the snow. Once again, he was not a big fan. Can you believe this little boy has seen sknow three times in his life!!! (It also snowed on the 29th)...
He couldn't quite seem to get his balance on the snowy grass, so he needed a little help...
This was our attempt to have him make a Jake snow angel. Obviously, he thought it was torture instead...
One last pic before heading in. That's quite a look he's giving the snow; better luck next time...
The tradition in my family is to open one gift Christmas Eve night. Here he goes...
Balls! What fun!
Of course it wouldn't be a true Christmas Eve without reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas." Kevin and I took turns reading each page...
Family picture time...
Jake must have been a good little boy because this is what awaited him Christmas morning. Isn't Santa the best!!!
The first look at what Santa left...
Making his way to the wonder of it all...
Wow! I don't think I've ever seen anything so awesome in my entire life!
He went straight to the basketball goal and picked up the joke. A certain Daddy and basketball coach couldn't have been more proud. All it took was showing him where the ball went...
One practice shot with a little help...
then Jake was off on his own, making shot after shot! It was really unbelievable, especially considering his only previous basketball experience is playing with his mini-hoop in the bathtub and watching Cohen a couple times. (Well, maybe he has seen just a couple games in his life)
Everything else Santa brought was pretty cool too. Do you think he's happy?
Ooohhh, puzzles. Jake really seemed to like his new puzzles, however his preferred method of playing with them is taking all the pieces OUT, not putting them IN...
Lawson Christmas Fun
Kevin and I started our holiday off in Arlington spending time with our good friends, the Holmes' and the Dishmans. Jake spent the night with Nana and Big T, so we were out past 8:30! We went to see a great improv comedy show--lots of fun!!!
Jake had a wonderful Christmastime with family. Each time he and Cohen are together is such a blessing especially because it doesn't happen as often as we would like. It's really fun to see how their interactions change as they each grow. Now that Jake is walking, I think he seemed a little less like a baby to Cohen. Jake followed Cohen everywhere and wanted to play with everything he was playing with. In turn, Cohen did his best telling Jake what to do. Before the snow hit, it was actually nice and warm so the boys spent some time outside. What better toy than leaves... 
Fun with Aunt Cassy...
Now the fun really begins. The first round of presents started with the Lawson family Christmas the night of the 23rd...
Jake loved opening presents, or maybe it was being in a room filled with presents, toys, and family that he really loved...

Jake loves music, so Big T and Nana gave him this great set of musical instruments. Wow, already reading music ;-)
I think he likes it...
As I mentioned earlier, Jake loved playing with anything that Cohen was playing with. One of Cohen's gifts was this cool car thing. Cohen tested it out, then Jake soon became a little obsessed with it. He went over to it and got in the riding position all by himself. It was really funny...
Yeah, that's right, I'm a big boy too!
Christmas Eve morning we woke up to open Lawson stocking stuffers. Here is Jake with his very special stocking made by Mom Barr...
I tried to get a picture of the cousins in their cute Christmas outfits, but things didn't go so well. This was the best one. Both Jake and Channing look a little unsure of each other...
We also tried to capture a picture with Nana..didn't go all so well either. The boys are looking OK in this one, but poor Channing is a little scrunched...
Cohen and Channing have it together in this one, but Jake is more concerned with his new toy (or is it Cohen's? refer back to previous picture!)...
We ended our festivities with the Lawson family with a Christmas Eve breakfast with extended family (I left Cassy in charge of those pictures) and a snow storm! More to come...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
"WALKIN' in a Winter Wonderland"
Texas may not be considered a "winter wonderland," but Jake is officially walking around!!! He took his very first steps last Tuesday, and each day since has progressively improved. This morning he walked clear across the Lawson's living room.
I wanted to make sure I documented this special occasion before the holiday hustle bustle officially takes over and walking becomes old news. Jake and I are currently in Gainesville with Kevin's parents. The rest of the family will be arriving later today and the festivities officially begin. I am so excited for this Christmas! This time last year, Kevin and I were taking it easy, just the two of us, waiting for Jake's arrival. Last year was also a very special Christmas for us...probably the only time for a very long time we'll spend it alone, but this Christmas is one filled with family celebration and I love it! We have experienced unmeasurable blessings this year, and it's overwhelmingly emotional for me to reflect on that. I am so thankful to God, and of course, Jesus' life and sacrifice. I love that this is not only a special family time, but also a special time to reflect on the meaning of my faith.
It will probably be a while before I get to post again since we're not returning home for another week. Have a wonderful Christmas and please stop to remember the true reason for this special time of year.
I wanted to make sure I documented this special occasion before the holiday hustle bustle officially takes over and walking becomes old news. Jake and I are currently in Gainesville with Kevin's parents. The rest of the family will be arriving later today and the festivities officially begin. I am so excited for this Christmas! This time last year, Kevin and I were taking it easy, just the two of us, waiting for Jake's arrival. Last year was also a very special Christmas for us...probably the only time for a very long time we'll spend it alone, but this Christmas is one filled with family celebration and I love it! We have experienced unmeasurable blessings this year, and it's overwhelmingly emotional for me to reflect on that. I am so thankful to God, and of course, Jesus' life and sacrifice. I love that this is not only a special family time, but also a special time to reflect on the meaning of my faith.
It will probably be a while before I get to post again since we're not returning home for another week. Have a wonderful Christmas and please stop to remember the true reason for this special time of year.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Just counting down...
until Christmas, of course!!! It honestly feels like we're in a mode of just counting down days until Christmas. Several of our regular weekly activities aren't happening this week, so we're basically just filling time until the fun holiday festivities officially begin. Of course, we're filling time in the best ways we know how. First of all, spending time with Grandmama and Papa. My parents were here for a few days to hang out and Jake had tons of fun. Here is Papa throwing special pitches to Jake.
In case you can't tell in that picture how much Jake liked my Dad's pitching skills, maybe these will give you a better idea of what he thought...
Wow, he's better than Nolan Ryan!!!
Sunday night, we went out to look at Christmas lights. Of course, Jake can't see too much from his car seat, but we went to a couple places where we actually got out of the car so we could all get the full effect. There is one house on Sharon Dr. in Cedar Park that is well worth a visit. The lights are synchronized to music. It's pretty incredible...
They also have "Santa" sitting out front, so of course, we had to take a picture with good ol' St. Nick.
There's also a cul-de-sac in Leander at Chinati St. where all the houses decorate with a "Twas the Night Before Christmas" theme. It's best to park your car, then walk the sidewalk of the cul-de-sac. Jake was especially intrigued by this little snow man that was blowing "snow."
Over the past several weeks, we've pretty much been stuck inside due to rain or cold. Both Jake and I think this stinks!!! We were used to taking walks everyday and visiting parks as much as possible. Well, God granted us a couple days of relief, and the temperature got to the upper 60's Sunday and Monday. Here's how happy Jake is to be outside....

Hope you're having as much fun filling your time until Christmas!
Hope you're having as much fun filling your time until Christmas!
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