Monday, November 18, 2013

Halloween 2013

This year Jake wanted to be a policeman for Halloween.  Since it won't be too long before Luke has his own opinion about his costume, we used Jake's idea for a family themed Halloween.  The Tuesday before Halloween, Jake got to dress up for school, so here is our policeman at school waiting to parade around...
and a policeman just isn't doing his duty unless he's caught at least one bad guy...
On Halloween night, even Mommy and Daddy joined in on the fun.  Jake and I were the police officers, and we captured some pretty handsome bad guys...

Halloween night was a little rough on Luke.  He was ready for bed exceptionally early, so his night was short-lived.  Unfortunately, this meant we didn't get a great pic of the boys.  We did get a funny one, however.  I guess it's not too fun to be taken off to jail...

We went to 5 of our closest neighbors' houses, then Jake looked in his basket and said, "I have a lot of candy, I'm done."  Jake isn't too big into trick-or-treating, but he is excellent at giving out the candy for other kids.  He loved this job and I'm glad he was happy!

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