Jake started preschool today. He's back at the same school, but now going two days a week. We started some new first day of school traditions this year that I hope we can continue thoughout Jake's childhood (even when he grows so big he thinks it's dumb). The 3 of us went shopping together the day before school started and let him pick out his "first day of school shirt" and his "special first day of school snack." Neither shirt nor snack was what Mommy would have picked, but that's what makes it fun and special. We also both put Jake to bed (usually just one of us does this), read a special school book together, Bible verse, and family prayer. In the morning, I made a special breakfast--this year french toast!
With all the prep and hype, Jake genuinely seemed excited and ready to go. He even let me take this picture of him in front of school...
Once we got outside the classroom door, however, Jake was a little apprehensive and even told me, "I want to go home!" We unfortunately missed his orientation, so this was Jake's first time to see this classroom and his teachers. I think he was really expecting to go to the same class and see the same faces as last year even though I'd prepped him for the change, so this was not what he was expecting. I did have to leave him in a few tears, but I was able to see through the window on my way to the car and the tears were already gone. Here are Jake and his teachers, Ms. Irene and Ms. Tanya. This is after school when I picked him up and there is a smile on his face!
Some things I want to remember about this first day:*Jake was so excited about his new Diego shirt. After breakfast, I was cleaning up and he went back to his room and came back out dressed in it! He put it on all by himself and it was on perfect!
*Jake looks like he was in a first day schoolyard fight b/c he had a collision with his footboard two days before school started.
*He asked about his friend Patrick who was in his last year's class. When I told him he wasn't in his class this year, Jake told me, "He's at home taking a nap."
*He wore his backpack all the way to his classroom.
*He picked out mini Oreos for his special first day of school snack. (I knew it was going to be something sweet!)
*When I picked him up at the end of the day, the teacher said, "He is really good at basketball, and he loves to dance!"
*I tried to "interview" him afterwards to try to document his first day. He barely answered any questions, but here's a few...
Q: What did you do in school today?
A: Play
Q: Do you remember your teachers' names?
A: Not Ms. Linda (last year's teacher). She's at home.
Q: Did you have fun today at school?
A: Yes.
Q: What was the most fun thing?
A: I can't remember.