We had the privilege of enjoying a weekend with our friends, the Pollards and Robertsons, at Tanya's parents' get-away house in Dime Box. The house is on several acres and is a perfect place for kids. They have horses, chickens, and guinea hens on the property which made the trip especially fun and exciting. We brought apples so we could hand-feed the horses which was really cool. Jake liked the idea of feeding the horses, but not the actual reality of putting his hand so close to their mouths. Here's Daddy feeding Jazzy...
Even though Jake didn't quite get the courage to feed any horses, he did gain more comfort around them as the weekend progressed and always went out when we fed them. Here he is carrying an apple alongside Mia. I love this look. It's like he's gearing up for the big moment...
He then realized he's getting a little close, stops, and checks everything out...
We also really enjoyed the little chickens that are new to their property. Mia was the most fearless and adept at catching them earning her the title of "Master Chicken Farmer"...
Even Mommy and Daddy gave chicken catching a try...
Jake was a little cautious, but VERY interested in the chickens. He loved being in the coop and tried really hard to catch one. He got really, really close, but could never quite get it. Nevertheless, we were so proud of his bravery. He earned the title, "Assistant Master Chicken Farmer."
A weekend in the Texas summer isn't complete without some water fun, so we didn't disappoint. The kids had a pool to play in, a home-made tarp slip-n-slide, and even water balloons! Here's almost all the kids in the pool. Ally was still getting her beauty rest.

We had a really great weekend. We're blessed by great friends for ourselves as a couple, and also for Jake. The Pollard and Robertson families are just a couple examples of those blessings. Our friends are there for us whether it's sharing laughter or tears, and this weekend was a perfect example of that. Thank ya'll so much for a wonderful weekend. I'll end with one final pic of what all little boys should do when out in the country...go for a walk with a trusty stick!
Here's Jake making a run with a water balloon...
There's was also a lot of just good ol' fashioned fun. We played bean bag toss. Here's Ally and Jake in the middle of a match...
Here's a heated Candyland game...
Jake loved this scooter...
It's hard to tell, but here are all 6 kids wrestling and playing on the couch with Wilson and Tanya...
I think Ally and Jake especially liked wrestling and had a blast together...
Before bed on Saturday night the woman who helps keep up the house, CJ, brought by some kittens for the kids to play with. Jake loved chasing and holding them...
1 comment:
We had so much fun too! I still need to blog about it myself =) We definitely love having you guys as friends and enjoyed the time together.
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