A lot has happened since my last blog, so I'll do my best to highlight some things that have been happening. Be warned...this is a long post. I'll start with a new belly pic. This was taken on November 25, so just two days short of 34 weeks.
Two baby showers have happened. The first, on November 13 was at Tippit Middle School, where I work. It was such a nice time, and it particularly meant a lot because of my unique working environment. Although I am employed by Communities In Schools, I work full-time on a middle school campus. I work very closely with the teachers and administration; however, I am not technically one of their co-workers since I am not employed by the school district. I am very blessed to be on a great campus where I have always felt welcome and part of the "team" working to help our students.
Here are some pics from the school shower...

The second shower was thrown by some of my friends from our Young Married class at church. Being part of this group was one of the reasons why we stayed in Austin, because they truly are family to us.
Here I am with the hostesses (minus Noelle): Sarah, Kim, Chez, and Elizabeth--Thank you so much girls; everything was really wonderful!
The shower was a brunch (my favorite!). There was a wonderful chicken salad, fresh fruit, mini quiche, cheese, crackers, and of course, cake!
Here's the whole groupOne of the greatest things about the weekend is that I got to see some of my best girlfriends. This is Sara, and her daughter, Holly. Sara and I met the first day of kindergarten, so we have officially been friends for 24 years!!! She's one of those friends who I'm certain I'll stay in contact with, even if it's only once every 6 months, for the rest of my life.
My two best friends from college, Carrie and Mindy, also came into town to celebrate Jake's arrival. Mindy lives in North Little Rock, Arkansas and Carrie lives in Shreveport, Louisiana. I'm blessed to have such dear friends who I also know will be a part of my life forever, even if it's from afar. Because I'm an only child, these girls are Jake's aunts on my side of the family.

Finally, we celebrated Thanksgiving at our house since I'm restricted from travelling. It was sad not to do the regular family thing with each sides of our family, but I will admit it was nice not driving anywhere. Kevin's parents, Chad, Cassy and Cohen came in town to celebrate with us. I didn't get any pictures of people, but I did get a picture of the table and the food all lined up on the bar. It's hard to tell from the pic, but we definitely had all the fixin's: turkey, gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, fruit salad, Asian coleslaw, cranberry salad, pumpin pie and apple pie. Everything was delicious!

Yay, you updated!!! That guitar cake is so cute!!
Jake is going to have so much cute stuff. This was a good update - I expect another one in less than a month!!
Everything looked like it was so fun! Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you. You look so beautiful Kellie! I hope you're able to enjoy these last few weeks (yes weeks!!!) before Jake arrives. We miss you guys!
You look so cute. Baby Jake has grown since I've been gone.
Thanks for updating! You look so cute as a little pregnant lady. Keep us updated! Love you.
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