Good friends of ours, the Russells, gave us a call at the beginning of summer and asked if we wanted to join them in Sea World. We, of course, said yes and set the date for June 22! What fun to get to enjoy Sea World with great friends! James and Amber have two boys, Kelton, 6 and Kolt, 3, so we knew Jake would love the company.
Gotta get the entry picture with Shamu! |
We rode a few of the rides for younger kids and Jake even rode his first roller coaster! It was a miniature Shamu coaster, but Jake was so brave and I was so proud. We all rode the coaster, so there's no pics, but it was something I don't want to forget. Here they are on the merry-go-round...
They have a cool splash pad with a huge climbing and play area. We hung around that area at the beginning of our day. It was nice to get cooled off, and we knew the summer sun would dry us off fast. We intentionally didn't wear bathing suits, so all the boys just stripped off their shirts and enjoyed the water in their shorts...
After the splash pad, Jake insisted on going without his shirt for a good part of the day. Why not, it's summer! We got to see several shows. My favorite was called Azul. The show included acrobats, syncronized swimmers, dolphins, beluga whales, exotic birds, and a comedy intro. It was amazing and so beautifully done!
Here we are in front of the Azul pool |
Of course, it wouldn't be a visit to Sea World without seeing Shamu, so that was on the top of our list, and Shamu didn't disappoint. We even got to see a baby Shamu which was so cute!
In front of the Shamu stage |
Here's a few of Shamu himself...
The Russells live in Waco and our families don't get the chance to spend time together nearly enough. The infrequency of visits didn't prevent the boys from seeming like the best of friends. James and Kevin were childhood best friends, and it's really special to see our sons developing relationships too.
Kelton was a great "big brother" to Jake |
And here are the boys toward the end of the day.