The great thing about sports (if you're a sports fan), is that as soon as one season ends another is sure to quickly begin. We celebrated baseball season fast approaching by a special trip to the Dell Diamond for a fans' day. It was a fun family day, but the best part of all was they allowed us on the field. Here's Daddy and Jake as we head down...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Within the 2 weeks before Spring Break, we had all our immediate family come to visit at some point. Not all together, but first there was Kevin's parents, then my parents, then Chad and Cassy and kids. Out of all that family time, I managed to only get pictures of the kids. Somehow that's not too surprising since they are all just so darn cute. I only managed to get one pic of all the kids together, so I'll start there so you can see the whole crew...
Campbell is largely under represented in these pics. It's probably a combination of her nap schedule along with not quite being able to keep up with the big kids. Here's one of just her to show our love... 
The kids had lot of playtime together and had so much fun. Here are the boys playing some dress-up...
And here's the big kids...
One night, we were getting the kids into their pjs. Jake noticed Cohen was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, so he immediately began taking off his pjs to find a t-shirt and shorts to wear. Then, Channing noticed Jake and Cohen, and began to take of her pjs. This is how they ended up dressed for bed that night. Channing's "pjs" are compliments of Jake to make sure she was one of the boys...
Jake was headed to a birthday party and the hosts were nice enough to let Cohen tag along. The boys had a lot of fun at The Little Gym. Here's proof of the fun...
Playing silly games...
and doing a little gymnastics practice...
We also went on a mini hike with the boys. Channing and Campbell started off with us, but then had to head back for naps. Here are the guys pointing out a cave they "discovered."
Handsome guys...
Bye-Bye Basketball
The Leander Lions basketball season ended a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, their season ended before playoffs began. The good side of that for the Lawson family is we get to see a lot more of Daddy, but we definitely had a great time cheering on the Lions this season. Jake was really great all season and genuinely enjoyed going and watching the games. He also enjoyed seeing his friends Parker and Ryder. Go Lions!!
Our Getaway
If you're reading this blog just to get a glimpse of Jake, then you'll be very disappointed in this post, b/c I'm just going to talk about Kevin and me. My parents took Jake on a little trip to Galveston and while Jake was gone, Kevin surprised me with an overnight trip to San Antonio! It was super sweet and just what we needed. Kevin had to work a couple hours in the morning, then we hit the road to SA. Our first stop was the Botanical Garden. It's really nice, and because it was a Monday afternoon and a little dreary outside we basically had the place to ourselves. Doesn't get anymore romantic than having an entire garden to yourself. Here I am in front of some crazy chair art...
A little pose in front of the scenery...
The only downside to being just about the only ones there was there was no one to take a picture of the two of us. We decided to take a self portrait on the same steps we took a picture on about 9 years ago. Such sweet memories...
One of the greenhouses was filled with steam/fog. So much so you could literally only see about two feet in front of you. We had a lot of fun being silly finding our way through the fog...
They had a special exhibit about butterflies. It was really nice, educational, and interactive. Here's Kevin in a life sized chrysalis...
And here's what I would look like if I were a butterfly trapped in a spiderweb...
Just some of the beauty....
Our getaway also consisted of dinner and walking on the Riverwalk, a movie and a nice night in a hotel. I think I was enjoying myself too much to remember the camera, but it was a wonderful time with my wonderful husband. Thanks for such a sweet and perfect surprise, Kevin!
A Little Hike
A couple weekends ago we really wanted to go hiking. It had been a beautiful week, but the weekend hit and it turned little cold and wet. The weather canceled our original plans to drive into Austin for our hike, but luckily the rain stopped and it was nice enough to find a hiking spot in Cedar Park. You would have never believed we were only minutes from our house, so luckily our plans weren't spoiled at all. In order to get the most out of any hiking experience, it's important to have the perfect hiking stick...
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