Jake and I left a couple days early for Thanksgiving to spent time with my parents. It seems there's a tradition that's formed b/c this is the 3rd day we've enjoyed all the great Christmas decor at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine and enjoyed the incredible Ice! exhibit. As always, it was lots of fun. The night before we left, Jake was sporting his winter hat getting ready for the cold ice...
If you've never seen an Ice! exhibit at the Gaylord, I highly recommend it. The artistry is truly unbelievable. Everyone wears special coats to help stay warm. Jake's still a little small for the smallest size, but what a cutie!...
This year's theme was Shrek. Here's Jake with the oger himself...
Can you believe this is made from ice?
Jake started off doing a great job walking on his own, but then the cold started to get to him a bit. No worries, Papa was there to act as transportation...
Santa also visits the Gaylord, so we stood in line to see him. Here's Jake checking it all out...
and here he is happily waiting to have his turn...
and finally, here is Santa with an empty lap and a smile when Jake absolutely refused to go anywhere near him. It was OK. A few days later Jake and I wrote a letter to Santa instead of seeing him face-to-face. I'm pretty sure he gets the message no matter how it comes...
Part of the decor includes some amazing train sets. Jake loves these, and I admit, I do too...

Thanks for treating us to a great day, Papa and Grandmama!
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