Our good friends, Phillip, Heather, Emily and Anna, came to visit us from Abilene the weekend before Halloween. It's really great to spend time and catch up with them and see how much our kids are growing. On Saturday, we headed to a local nursery that was offering activities for the kids. Here are Emily and Jake heading in. Aren't they so sweet?
They had a TON of pumpkins there, so we took A LOT of pictures. I didn't get one good picture of all three kids, but here's the best one of Jake and Emily...
and here's an absolutely adorable one of Anna...
They had a petting zoo and Jake loved checking out all the animals...
Kevin was a pretty popular guy during the weekend. In the car, both Emily and Jake wanted to hold his hand, so of course, what else can a guy do?
The kids enjoyed lots of play time at home too. Emily and Jake got along really well, so that made everyone very happy. PlayDo was an especially big hit...
While at the nursery, each family bought a pumpkin with the goal of carving them that evening. The carving was a lot of fun. The daddies took the lead on that project...
We cut lots of different shapes out of construction paper so the kids could pick out what they wanted their face to look like. That way, they were able to put the face together on the pumpkin themselves, then the daddies took over for the carving. Here's Jake's final selection for his face. The tongue was a Jake special request...
Once they were all finished, it was time for the photo opp. Here's our family...
Here's Emily and Jake with their super cheesy smiles...
Finally, here's the best capture of a Daddy/kids shot. I think they all look pretty adorable...