Friday, April 29, 2011
and other fun things
Mixed in with the Easter festivities was also some just good ol' fun. Jake got his first fishing lessons. Papa helped him out...
and Daddy helped him out...
and he tried it on his own...
He was pretty serious about his front yard fishing. Maybe next time, there will actually be a chance to catch something!
Jake and Papa take walks outside my parents' fence line every visit. Jake loves my parents' yard and the land around it. He always takes his golf club "walking stick" with him...
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Easter 2011
We spent this year's Easter with my parents and had a great weekend with lots of Easter festivities. First on the Easter to-do list was dyeing eggs. Jake enjoyed it and did a remarkably good job not getting any dye on his clothes...
Here's Papa and Jake with the dye line-up...
Next on the list (not all back-to-back) was an Easter egg hunt. Jake gave good effort this year, and found over 50 eggs in his one-man search. He's just not quite ready for any detectective work yet...

Here's all the eggs he found in the house...
Then, after a little snack for a pick-me-up, he headed to a hunt outside...
He started off the hunt by finding one egg and opening it before moving on to the next egg. By the end of the hunt, the surprises inside weren't so surprising so he then started gathering several at a time...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Cute Boys
A couple weeks ago, a friend stayed the weekend with us while she was in town for a wedding. It was great to catch up with her, plus we had the added pleasure of hanging out with her precious little boy, Krystopher. Krystopher was just shy of 2 when he came, and he made a perfect playmate for Jake. I didn't start trying to get pictures till the very end of their visit, which I completely regret because these boys are precious. Check out Krystopher's beautiful hair!
Jake definitely loves having company for bathtime...
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Austin Toros
We took Kevin to an Austin Toros game for his birthday. We'd never been to the Cedar Park Center, so we were pretty excited to check it out. The venue was perfect for young kids because it's small enough that every seat is pretty good. We did, however, have front row seats, so it was super exciting. Jake was super focused on the game for a while..
then he became distracted by the free Toros trading cards we got at the entrance. He loved sorting through them and putting them in piles...
The Toros mascot is a bull named "Da Bull." Jake was loving Da Bull, would point to where he was, and even yelled, "Dance, bull, dance!" when the music played. He seemed so interested and genuinely excited about the Da Bull, I was sure he would be excited when Da Bull headed over our way for a visit. Boy, was I wrong. He came right to our seats (luckily Kevin was on the aisle) and Jake immediately started shrieking and hid his face in my lap. He wanted NOTHING to do with Da Bull despite his earlier fascination. Poor Jake. Poor Da Bull.
Blog Slacker
I've been a complete blog slacker. I quite honestly haven't really felt like blogging lately, but hopefully that was just a streak and I can get back on track. Before moving forward, I'll need to back track a little just so I'll get started with Spring Break; only a month behind;-) We enjoyed a great Spring Break with a family 'tour,' 2 nights in Gainesville, 2 nights in Aledo, and 2 nights in Plano. Kevin met Campbell for the first time in Gainesville...
And we got some special time with Channing without her siblings...
We celebrated Kevin's birthday over Spring break too, and we made a trip to Babe's with my parents...
Jake had some special time with Papa and they planted mint and tomatoes. Here he is looking proud of his gardening ability...
In Allen, headed out for gelato and a spray park one night. Channing loved it...
Cohen loved it...
Jake was a little unsure. I think he finally warmed up to the idea of getting wet about 5 minutes before it was time to leave...
We ended our trip at a park where we met Nana and Big T to pick up Skylar. Jake discovered a new way to go down the slide there...
The boys...
Coincidentally, they were having a festival at the park so there were booths handing out free stuff. Here are the boys' versions of the Statue of Liberty...
Before heading home, we did try to get a picture of all 4 kids---virtually impossible. There was not one picture where all 4 looked great, so I'll just post what I got...

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