Sunday, November 28, 2010
Jake and I spent a few extra days with my parents before Thanksgiving, and Papa and Grandmama treated us to a special trip to the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine to see ICE! and all the Christmas decor. ICE! is an incredible 14,000 square foot exhibit full of ice sculptures. Here's Jake as we're waiting in line...
The theme for ICE! changes each year, and this year's theme is Peanuts. We did our best to introduce Jake to Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the rest of the gang the night before by watching the Peanuts Thanksgiving special and reading some new books. Here's what we saw as we entered...
They give everyone big coats to stay warm. Jake was NOT a fan of the coat. I don't blame him since it practically swallowed him, but you gotta do what you gotta do to stay warm. With the gigantic coat, I think my little boy turned back into looking like a baby. Here are the pics we took at ICE last's hard to tell which is which with the hat and coat.
Jake was too interested looking at Snoopy to pose for the camera...
As I said, Jake wasn't a fan of his coat. Plus, I don't think he's a fan of the cold. Combining those two things meant Jake was less than happy during parts of our time looking. Here's a pic demonstrating a little reality...
But don't worry, he really did like everything at times. Here's a pic to capture one of his happy moments with Papa...
Once again, I have to say the ice sculptures and the entire exhibit was really incredible. Even more incredible to be able to see this beauty in Texas on a day with 70+ degree temps...
After ICE! we grabbed a yummy lunch, spent time enjoying all the wonderful decorations, and saw Santa! As we were standing in line Jake seemed super excited to see Santa. So much so, he was trying to cut in line and do all sorts of tricks to get to him quicker. Once we actually approached Santa, however, it was a different story. Jake simply refused to sit on his lap, so this year we have a lovely picture of Jake sitting in Mommy's lap next to Santa. If only I knew how to work our scanner so that you could see; oh well. Jake did however, love all the Christmas decorations. His favorites were all the trains...
While Jake was looking at the trains and decorations, another older boy came along with his family. It's always fun to see how Jake responds to other children. He immediately wanted to be close to the little boy and was acting like he was playing games with him. Can you tell from this picture what he seems interested in? Kevin and I agree that Jake would love to have an older sibling. Oh well, luckily we have lots of great older friends to step in.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A Few Days Away
Jake and I spent a few nights away this weekend to be with family. It's always hard to be away from Daddy, but it's important for Jake to form good relationships with the rest of the family, so we made the trip. Jake had lots of fun at a cool park near my parents' house. It had a little "fort" and Jake loved to look out the window...
He also found a sand sifter that provided lots of entertainment...
Jake definitely continues to be Papa's boy. He was around my dad at all times, and even woke one morning saying, "Papa, papa!"
We also got to celebrate with the other side of the family for Channing's 1st birthday. Here's a pic of Channing opening her gifts. This was pretty much my view of things because both boys were very interested in all the gifts, so they were right in front helping out.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
22 months
Jake is officially 22-months-old today. How can we be this close to 2? Here's my precious, happy boy!
Here's just a couple of Jake's favorite things lately:
1. Our 2nd grade neighbor, Ella. She is often playing outside in the afternoon the same time when Jake and I go outside, and she's been coming over to play about 1-2 times a week lately. I think she fulfills Jake's desire for an older sibling. She's actually the only reason I was able to capture all these pictures today. He is looking at her in every one. We think this might be his first crush!
2. He loves his lawn mower. He pushes it around pretty much every time we're outside.
3. Balls still rank pretty high on his list of favorite toys. A new favorite are Hot Wheels. He got his first two as a present for his bravery after his accident, and has loved them from day 1.
1. Our 2nd grade neighbor, Ella. She is often playing outside in the afternoon the same time when Jake and I go outside, and she's been coming over to play about 1-2 times a week lately. I think she fulfills Jake's desire for an older sibling. She's actually the only reason I was able to capture all these pictures today. He is looking at her in every one. We think this might be his first crush!
4. He's grown an opinion about some clothing items. He LOVES this UT hat and his new Nike shoes. When he has a choice of hats or shoes, he always chooses these, and has actually thrown fits over these 2 items.

Halloween 2010
We had a great Halloween this year. On Saturday night, we headed to a small fall festival at a nearby park and Jake got to paint his own pumpkin...
We waited til Sunday to carve our pumpkin, and I have to say Jake was less than thrilled about it. This was his face when Kevin took off the pumpkin top and showed him the inside...
We did finally get him to touch a pumpkin seed, but he adamantly did not stick his hand in the pumpkin to help Daddy fish them out. Here he's showing off his seed...
Since he wasn't so interested in the pumpkin carving, Nana stepped in with a story and little pumpkin "carving" of her own. Jake liked this variety much better...
Our obligatory family picture as we head out to trick-or-treat...
And he's off...
I was really very impressed and happily suprised by how well Jake did with trick-or-treating. He marched down the sidewalk with his bag like he'd done it 100 times.
Walking up to the first house...
Waiting for someone to answer. We did have to remind/encourage him to say "trick-or-treat" and "thank you," but once reminded, he said it every time...
Another family pic with the 3 decorated pumpkins of the season. One by Daddy, two by Jake...
Once we were finished with our candy hunt, we put out chairs in front of the house so we could pass out candy. Jake's costume had it by this point. I DO NOT recommend velcro legs for a toddler. They came undone all night long while I tried unsuccessfully to get them to stay together. At this point, I gave up...
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