Wednesday, August 21, 2013

4 months

Luke turned 4 months about a week ago, but we just had his well check today so we know his stats.  He is such a blessing and a joy.  It's hard to believe in only 4 months of time I can't imagine our family without him--he's a perfect fit.  Here are some things about Luke:
* He weighs 16 pounds 6 ounces and is 26 inches long (80th percentile in both)
*He's smiling a lot more and has a precious grin
*He likes to tuck in his lower lip
*He's discovered his feet and will now hold on to them
*He's gotten a lot more drooly
*He's holding onto things and immediately brings them to his mouth to chew
*He started laughing.  He's first laugh was for me, but Jake now has him laughing.  Seeing them together warms and melts (is that possible?) my heart like nothing else can
*He's rolling over from back to tummy every time you put him down although he's only rolled from tummy to back twice, so he gets "stuck" on his tummy and fusses after a while for help
*He sleeps on his tummy every night. 

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